Sunday, 6 December 2020

How to Make a Good Lead Scoring

To make a good lead scoring, the first thing we have to do is think about the ideal customer profile ( ICP - Ideal Customer Profile ) that we want to achieve and define the allocation of points based on what we value the most. The objective of getting leads is usually to get more customers, more sales, and in this way make your company grow in terms of turnover. In this sense, not all leads have the same value. Those for which it is more feasible in the future to close a sale will have more value. And those leads that being probable the closing of a sale the amount of this is higher will have more value. We want the sales team to focus their efforts on the best leads, right?

Doing good lead scoring allows us to classify the leads based on their score and thus prioritize the treatment of the leads with the highest score. The criteria for good lead scoring are usually classified into two groups, a group that takes into account the demographic characteristics of the lead and another group of criteria that takes into account the behavior of this lead in relation to the interaction with our digital assets ( website, blog, content, etc.). In this article, I explain these criteria and how to combine them to give an overall score to the lead.

What is Lead Scoring?

You probably already know what lead scoring is, but just in case, I'll briefly explain what it is: lead scoring is a technique that allows assigning a score to a lead depending on some criteria so that if we have 100 leads the system will calculate the score for each of them, with the highest score being the best in terms of the type of lead we want and the lowest score being the worst in terms of the type of lead we want (that is, they will be leads that meet very few or none of the conditions we want). Lead scoring translated into Spanish would be something like the score of contact or prospect.

Why do I have to Lead Scoring?

Another interesting aspect that you may be wondering is why should your company implement a lead scoring system, right? The answer is very simple if your company generates a high volume of leads per month, it is interesting to do lead scoring to be able to classify all the MCA leads and order them from best to worst, in terms of quality. And in this way, it allows you to focus your company's efforts on the highest quality leads, and this refers to both the efforts of the marketing department and the sales department. Being clear, your company is not interested in dedicating efforts to a poor quality lead, to a lead that by analyzing its characteristics you can see that you will not be able to close any sale with it.

Said like this it may sound a bit frivolous but let me remind you of the scenario: your company decides to invest money, effort, and time in capturing leads, in capturing contact details of people potentially capable of buying your services or products. In this sense, you are interested in dedicating efforts to those leads of the highest quality, those who are more predisposed towards the objective pursued by your company.

From how many leads do I have to implement a Lead Scoring system?

This is quite relative, the criteria that you have to apply is the volume of leads that enter per month in relation to the number of people dedicated to the sales process. I'll explain it to you with an example that is surely better understood. Imagine that every month the marketing department gets 100 leads (taking the average it would be between 3 and 4 leads obtained per day). Imagine that the sales team consists of 3 people. In this scenario, as you can see, a lead scoring system would not be much needed. If there is much better, but if it is not implemented it would not be very serious either since with 3 people pending to sell and entering 3-4 leads per day they can look at them with a magnifying glass, they can look for these people on Linkedin, see for which companies they work, what position have, etc. and decide if the sales process is worth the effort.

Now imagine that instead of 100 leads per month your company generates 600 leads per month (taking the average, it would be about 20 leads per day). In this case, analyzing the leads one by one to see if it is worth treating them is more complicated. And it gets worse day by day as they accumulate. Think that if a lead is of quality and sales decides to start the process, they will have a treatment time (typically, they will make calls to contact this person, they will try to organize a meeting, they will have to follow up, etc.). Depending on the time that the sales process requires, what will happen is that the waiting list of leads to be dealt with will grow. Imagine that one day the sales team has 80 leads pending to deal with.

Criteria for Lead Scoring

The criteria for lead scoring are usually classified into two broad categories:

Demographic criteria These are all those criteria for assigning points based on attributes or characteristics of the lead, the person in question, and their environment, such as the characteristics of the company they work for.

Criteria according to behavior: these are all those criteria based on the behavior of the lead in relation to interaction with your company, either with the use of your website, blog, downloading content, attending webinars, etc.

Below I explain each of these lead scoring criteria in detail.

1. Demographic criteria for Lead Scoring

The demographic criteria for lead scoring have to do with the characteristics of the lead and his environment, the attributes he has as a professional. Imagine that our ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) is the CFO of a large company. In this case, we would define criteria so that we would give a lead many points if the position he or she has is a financial director and is also a large company. On the contrary, imagine another person from the same company whose position is "Sales Director", in this case even though this lead is from the same company, this MCA leads would have a lower score because the position of this lead is not the one we want (financial director), but another and therefore we would not assign so many points for this reason (if we decide to assign it).

Below I explain several attributes of a lead that are usually considered when making lead scoring:

Position of the person: this is undoubtedly one of the most important attributes to score. Being clear about who is our ideal buyer (buyer persona) we have to give more points to those leads who hold the position we want. It is possible that we have several positions that interest us, some being better than others. In this case, we can apply a range of scores: if you have position A we assign 10 points if you have position B we assign 8 points if you have position C we assign 6 points, etc.

Company name: the company where the person (lead) works is another key aspect for lead scoring. If we sell a Software As A Service (SaaS) that costs € 4,000 per month, we already know that very small company will not be able to afford this software and therefore, even if they want this service a lot, they will not be able to afford it. Now, for the name itself of the company without more, it is difficult to assign points since it is very likely that the name does not tell us anything about the characteristics of the company. To solve this aspect, an external company rating system can be used. Or it can be done manually, by human inspection.

A number of company employees: this is one of the fields that is usually included in the content download form (ebook, webinar, etc.) in order to get an idea of ​​how big the company you work for is this lead and thus be able to automatically assign points. In the previous example, if the company has more than 1,000 employees we would give it many points since it could buy our service, and on the other hand, a company that has between 1 and 10 workers would not give it points, we could even consider giving negative points.

Industry: The industry in which a company operates is usually very important in terms of the sales process. For example, imagine that we know that 40% of our clients are from the "Insurance" industry, 15% are from the banking industry, and so on. In this case, we could define 10 points if the company operates in the insurance industry, 8 points if it operates in the banking industry, etc.

Country: is the country where the lead's company belongs to the sales process important? surely yes. For example, imagine that our company is targeting the northern European market, but has 3 specific countries as a priority. In this case, a scoring scale could be defined according to the country (country A -> 10 points, country B, 8 points, country C -> 6 points…).

These are usually the most common fields that are requested in a form for lead nurturing purposes, and they usually apply to any company. Now, for a specific company, we can think about what additional attributes the lead may have that has a lot of value for us.

For example, imagine that we sell a Software As A Service (SaaS) that serves to perform a complementary function to the accounting software. And imagine that we know that if the company has a financial system like SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, or Sage, the probability that they will buy from us is much higher. And on the other hand, we know that if they don't have any ERP up and running (and they manage the accounting with Excel) it is very unlikely that they will buy from us. Well, in this scenario we could introduce the question in the content download form of the type: What system does your company use? And give as options: SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Sage, and Excel. And depending on what the user (lead) indicates, we will assign more or fewer points.

2. Behavioral criteria for Lead Scoring

The behavioral criteria for lead scoring have to do with the lead's activity in relation to our company. Without forgetting the final objective that we pursue, which is to sell, a priori we are more interested in a lead that shows a lot of interest in our company than a user who shows practically no interest, right? Well, the criteria for assigning points based on behavior try to reward Live transfer leads who have a "desired" behavior, who show a lot of interest.

For example, imagine that based on the experience we know that the user is much more receptive if we know that they have visited certain key pages of our website, such as the service/product description page, the prices page, and the sales page. request demo. In this case, we could give several points if the above is fulfilled.

Here are some ideas of user behaviors based on which we could assign a scoring criterion :

Key pages that have visited: what we said before, a user who visits the home page and leaves does not have the same value in terms of behavior, as not a user who sees the home page, the service page, the price page, and the contact page (even if you do not fill in the form).

Type of request made by the user: generally the user visits our website and has a "passive" behavior, consults pages, reads articles from our blog, etc. But it takes time to contact or request a demonstration of our product. But there comes a day that the user can carry out any of the actions that we are suggesting, such as requesting a demo or requesting a budget. In these cases, we should give a high score since the user is expressing his interest in our service/product.

Content downloads: we could assign more or fewer points depending on the content that is downloaded, both by the type of content and by the quantity. For example, if the user downloads a guide on a very "top of the funnel" topic, it would have a relatively low value, and on the other hand, if the user downloads a guide like "the definitive guide to select a Software As A Service of what we sell »Then this would have to have much more value because the purchase intention it denotes is much higher.

Frequency of website visits: with this aspect, we could take into account if you are a user who regularly visits our website/blog or not; here the idea would be to give more points to the lead that shows a higher «engagement».

% of interaction with our emails: in a lead nurturing strategy we are going to send several emails to the user based on their interests and other criteria. Well, we may be interested in measuring the user's response to our emails and assigning a score based on their behavior.

Note that all this is an "approximation" to reality, that is, we establish scoring criteria based on behavior that denotes an interest, now this interest is our assumption. Let me explain, we can think that if the user sees certain key pages they have shown some interest and assign them some points, but the reality might not be so, that is, the user would have visited these pages but this does not have to mean that they are interested. That said, statistically, a good definition of criteria and scoring scales should help us build a lead ranking based on their score and ultimately should help us convert more leads into sales.

How to calculate the score of a lead?

Option 1: add points

From my point of view, the definition of the scoring criteria and the number of points that are awarded for meeting a specific criterion is still a convention of each company. Company A can decide that if a lead has a "CFO" position they will assign 5 points and Company B can decide to assign 10 points. The important thing for me is to calibrate the score well for various scenarios in relative terms, that is, in the case of company A if the lead has the desired position (financial director) we assign 5 points and if he has a less desired position ( Sales Director) we only assigned 1 point. And similarly, for company B if the lead has the desired position we assign him 10 points and if he has a less desired position (Sales Director) we only assign him 2 points.

That said, calculating the score for a lead would seem as trivial as adding up all the points derived from evaluating all the conditions the lead meets, right? Well, I have seen this implementation in a company but for me, I do not think it is the most convenient. I explain. I recommend that you do not add the score for the demographic criteria with the score for the behavior criteria. Why? Imagine a lead with a very bad demographic score comes in. This would mean that the lead does not meet the profile of a potential buyer, and therefore very likely it will not be possible to sell anything. Now imagine that this lead shows a lot of interest, and downloads many ebooks, attends various webinars, visits key web pages, etc.

Therefore, the most reasonable option would be to add up all the points that have to do with the demographic criteria. And establishing a minimum from which the lead is considered interesting is considered "qualified" from a marketing point of view. And on the other hand add the score for behavior, and establish the minimum value that we consider that the lead has shown interest or is "hot".

Option 2: assign qualification based on conditions

Of the two blocks of criteria, note that one indicates how good a lead is simply for being who he is, for having the position he has, for working in the company he works, etc. And the other group of criteria indicates how well this lead behaves on our website, according to what it has value for us. In this sense, imagine that you have a very good lead, with very good attributes (position, company size, etc.). Couldn't we classify this lead to 5 levels based on how good it is? This is:

Lead type A -> very well, it meets all the requirements we want.

Type B Lead -> well, it meets many of the conditions but not 100% in some of them. For example, imagine a lead that meets everything but the size of the company. Imagine that we want companies with more than 500 workers and the lead in question works in a company that has 300 workers.

Type C lead -> regular

Type D lead -> low quality

The lead of type E -> qualifies narrowly, but of very low quality.

The lead of type F -> discarded due to poor quality (not meet any conditions)

With this method, the relevant programming could be created to evaluate conditions and, depending on the result, label the lead with a letter "A", "B", "C", or whatever. This makes it more intuitive when dealing with leads, I think, a type "A" lead is the best in terms of quality, and type E represents a person who meets very few of the requirements of our buyer persona.

We should also consider what happens when we do not have all the attributes of this lead in order to evaluate the score. In these cases, we would have to assign a state that indicates "indeterminacy" until we have all the attributes that we need. What is usually done is lead nurturing techniques so that the lead re-downloads other content and in the form you see, new fields are added and fields for which we already have the data are hidden, this is done with a technique called «progressive profiling », but hey, this already escapes from this article (if you are very interested, and your opinion interests me, please just let me know ).

How is lead scoring implemented?

Well, you may have already realized that implementing lead scoring techniques requires first to have very clear ideas, and second, to have some advanced lead management tool. There are dozens of tools for managing leads and the most advanced ones allow lead scoring. Everything that I have explained previously must be programmed in a tool of this type so that it assigns the points as we want. There are some of these tools that assign points by default, be careful with this, because it is the standard criteria of the tool and perhaps for your company it is convenient to apply another.

Some of the tools for lead scoring are Hubspot (, one of the best), Marketo (very good, but for very large companies), Active Campaign (similar to Hubspot but with fewer features and cheaper. Explaining these lead management tools would also provide for a new article.

Friday, 27 November 2020

How to set up a point-by-point reflex camera

Let's go through the menu by menu, point by point of your camera to learn more about what we talked about in " Basic Tips for Beginning Photographers ".

In short, shoot RAW and read the instruction manual (which I don't usually do either) to learn how to operate your camera with your eyes closed and make the most of all those functions that we pay for and many do not get to use or understand.

Let's take a look at the first menu of an entry-level SLR camera like the Canon 600D. The menus are very similar between some ranges and others, so you will surely find these options in yours. I'll go point by point, stopping at the most important ones and configuring them with the recommended options.

you may also be interested in How to Remove Scratches From Camera Lens

We can choose the quality of our file

JPG (gives us the option to select the megapixels that will be used in each shot) or RAW, my recommended option. On some cameras it allows you to select lossless or compressed RAW, but since I want the highest quality and flexibility possible, I always choose losslessly.


Choose between JPG or RAW

Pros of shooting RAW

The RAW captures much more information than the JPG that we can later recover in the development.

No compressions.

No loss of quality.

A flexible file will be created when editing the photograph, for example, you can play with the shadows and lights as long as you have exposed the scene well.

Greater control over your final image

You will be able to solve errors after shooting, in digital development. I do not recommend having this philosophy, as usual, you run the risk of not preparing the details and adjustments of your photography well because you know that later you can fix it and it will not always be like that. You can't imagine the time and satisfaction you gain by coming home with homework well done.

"Disadvantages" in quotes

Your camera's processor will suffer in burst mode, as a RAW file is heavier and will not be able to shoot at the same speed as a JPG. For example, if your JPG camera shoots 6 photos per second in RAW it will shoot 3.

You will need more space on your memory card

You will have to develop your photograph later in programs like Lightroom, since the image will come out flat in terms of colors, contrasts, sharpness, etc.

As you can see, the cons from my point of view are quite ridiculous. If you use burst mode a lot because you dedicate yourself to action or wildlife photography, you will surely end up buying a Canon 7d type camera with bursts of up to 10 frames per second, which with the release of its older sister, the Canon 7D Mark II, now has an interesting price.

Over time you will have several large-capacity memory cards and finally, you will also like to edit your photos to get a faithful capture or a more creative development.

How To Remove Fungus From Camera Lens

Sound warning

It will allow you to activate or deactivate the beep that indicates that the camera has focused on the point you have selected. Personally, I like to take it deactivated, I go more unnoticed while practicing street photography, in nature, I am less noisy and more relaxed, I don't get along very well with beeps

Tip: When focusing automatically, notice how the focus points you see through the viewfinder light up red to warn you that your selection is already in focus. If you get used to focusing through the focus points, you can dispense with the audible warning, to later rely on your eye and use manual focus. In which cases it will always be more reliable than autofocus, such as focusing on poorly lit areas where autofocus tends to go haywire.

Shoot without card

I urgently recommend that you disable this option. Its function is to notify you when you shoot and you do not have a memory card inserted. If you don't turn it off, it will allow you to shoot until you realize that the most important thing is missing.

I remember at the beginning of project 365, one day I went out to photograph about 60km from home, very excited. I didn't have much time, so as soon as I arrived I quickly chose the angle, secured the tripod, and mounted the lens I was going to use. When I pressed the shutter button for the first time, I verified thanks to this option that I had left the card inserted in the computer the day before. You can imagine my face at that moment, but it would have been worse to be cold, to get even more excited about the result, and then not take anything home.

The only solution was to have a coffee watching the sunset that I went to photograph with a good croissant, the food in these cases lifts my spirits. Since that day I carry an emergency memory card in my wallet and the rest in my backpack.

Image review

The amount of time the photo will be displayed on your LCD screen right after it is taken. You can deactivate it, choose the seconds or hold it on the screen until you press a button.

Peripheral illumination correction

Corrects vignetted or darkened edges. There are lenses of not very good quality that is very open diaphragms can vignetting, activating this option will reduce this vignetting. These types of problems can be solved manually by closing the diaphragm more to points like f8 or f11, where most lenses give their maximum performance ( sweet spot ). I always have it deactivated, but if you have noticed this problem in your images it is better to activate it.

Red-eye reduction

This option will fire a flash or several short flashes before taking the picture, in order to close the pupils and avoid red eyes, a problem that occurs in poorly lit places.

Tip: If you want to solve it without resorting to this option, tell the person to be photographed to look at an intense light source first.

Flash control

We can activate and deactivate the flash, choose the type of E-TTL metering (measure ambient light to configure the correct flash power together with your selected settings), adjust the built-in or external flash if it exists.

Setting up a reflex camera

Let's analyze the second menu of a Canon camera I will go point by point so that you can understand all the options and know what you activate or not.

Even if you use Nikon or another brand, the options are the same after all.


Canon camera menu

Comp. Exp./AEB:

This option is very interesting, especially for HDR lovers. If you configure it, the camera will allow you to take 3 shots with different exposures, following the order of exposure, standard, low exposure, and high exposure. That is, in the case of the example, the first shot would be with the center meter exposure 0, the second photo underexposed with -2, and the third with the overexposure of +2.

In this menu you can move the meters at will, they do not always have to be these values. I recommend disabling it if it is not going to be used for creative purposes.

Automatic Brightness:

This parameter automatically corrects photos that are dark or low-contrast. The best thing is that from the beginning you get used to using manual mode and correcting these problems on the spot, it is much more reliable than doing it automatically. Remember to shoot in RAW mode and you will be able to correct the brightness yourself in your development program as we have done in the entries « improve photos with Lightroom «.

Imagine that for whatever reason you wanted a photograph in dim light or very bright and the camera corrects it automatically, what grace it would make me return home and not have the photograph I was looking for.

Measurement mode:

You must know the four modes that are presented to us, they are important options that will make you achieve success in difficult lighting situations.

Evaluative metering: It is the most automatic mode for beginner users, it measures the light in the scene in a general way, so you do not have to worry about measuring in dark or light areas.

Partial measurement: Measure in the center of the image as you can see in the second icon. It is ideal for backlights or areas with strong contrasts.

Spot metering: My favorite, it measures the light exactly at the point where you indicate it. From the value marked by the exposure meter, you will assess whether you need more light or not. My recommendation is the fastest and most effective, do not be afraid of trial and error, it really is how you really learn.

Center-weighted metering: This option measures the light in the center and then averages the rest of the image.


Metering modes in photography

Custom WB:

Allows you to manually adjust the white balance. In a session in which you are not going to move from the site or the lighting is going to change, perform a correct white balance with a gray card or color card and use this option to achieve a reliable color in the rest of the shots.

Personally, I do not usually perform the white balance except on rare occasions that I need the exact colors to reality, this is one of those "problems" that are solved well in the development and without losing quality, as long as you have shot in clear RAW.

Scroll / Sec. WB:

Used to correct the white balance. Upon entering you will see a graph with a box that you can move to the position B = blue, A = amber, M = Magenta, and G = green. Depending on the dominants and your needs, move the square until you get the color you are looking for.

Color space:

This option is a bit complicated and everyone usually has their own vision. After researching on the subject I give you a quick summary of my conclusion:

AdobeRGB, captures more colors than sRGB, the monitors of 95% of those who will see your photos are not capable of reproducing all the colors of AdobeRGB, and if you edit a photograph taken in AdobeRGB on a monitor that is not capable of displaying all the colors when printing there will be colors that will not come out correctly.

My recommendation: use AdobeRGB and before publishing or printing the photo convert to sRGB and edit it with that profile. This way you make sure you have a digital negative with all the possible information in case one day that photograph is worth millions or you buy a good monitor that reproduces all colors. With the sRGB profile, you will upload an image to the network with the colors most similar to those you see on the screen.

If you still prefer to skip the step of converting the image to see, you think that you will never take a super photo or you only use your camera to photograph your vacations, choose it as the color space.

IMPORTANT: Another of the key points of the entire menu.

If you want to have more flexible control over your videos to edit them with total flexibility, my recommendation is that you choose the Neutral mode and configure its parameters as in the image.

This configuration runs all over the internet and is the most used to get an image as flat as possible and thus be able to edit the video to your liking without loss of quality.

Friday, 6 November 2020


The article was written By Mickael Mosse – Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Expert

When reading about cryptocurrencies, we often come across the term altcoins. What does that mean? What distinguishes altcoins, of which there are already thousands, and where does their name come from? Check out our short and specific guide.

Mickael Mosse points out thatIn the beginning, there was Bitcoin. And, taking into account the dynamics of the development of the world of cryptocurrencies, a lot, a lot, nothing. The world's first cryptocurrency, based on blockchain technology, for two years, was in fact the only cryptocurrency that has been around since 2009. The word cryptocurrency or digital money asset return was unequivocally associated with btw Bitcoin.

Mickael Mosse Blockchain Advisor

Altcoin, an alternative to BTC

However, when the price of BTC rose sharply and the Satoshi Nakamoto project started to get noisy not only in the niche world of fledgling cryptocurrency, another crypto began to appear. They were an alternative to BTC, hence the name: altcoins.

Mickael Mosse points out thatThe first cryptocurrency after Bitcoin was Namecoin (NMC). However, it did not take the hearts of investors by surprise and today it is at the bottom of the capitalization ranking of five hundred cryptocurrencies. It can be traded on just 10 cryptocurrency exchanges. Later, Litecoin (LTC) was created, which, advertised as an enhanced Bitcoin, is at the forefront of the ranking to this day and with a capitalization of $ 4.3 billion, it was definitely placed in the top ten cryptocurrencies. To date, more than 3 thousand. cryptocurrencies, and more than 2,5 thousand. of them still exist - these are altcoins.

Mickael Mosse Bitcoin advisor

Bitcoin and altcoins

Mickael Mosse Crypto Advisor

According to  Mickael Mosse, The altcoin market, although the vast majority of them is a separate product from BTC, is strongly associated with btw. If the price of the "king of cryptocurrencies" rises, so do the prices of altcoins. When the price of BTC falls, other cryptocurrencies will almost certainly decline as well. It is also clear that altcoin prices react much more aggressively. Both in the case of increases and during the discount, their movements are usually many times greater. In August 2020, some cryptocurrencies were able to add more than 750 percent of value per day!

The vast majority of altcoins, however, are a new solution on the market, and not just an idea to create a new cryptocurrency that offers nothing. Today, altcoins are associated with specific networks and business models, dedicated to specific groups, offering services, products, and solutions to existing problems not only in the world of digital finance.

Altcoins generally don't duplicate btw limitations. They are much better scalable (that is, they allow you to conduct a much greater number of transactions at the same time), so they are cheaper to operate and do not overload networks like BTC.

Of course, cryptocurrencies are still emerging, it is not known for what. There are even special pages with which you can create tokens with your last name or any name. However, the vast majority of the projects are multi-million dollar ideas that have won the approval of many investors. More and more often, raising public funds for the development of such projects takes literally a few minutes, and institutional investors are struggling to buy as many tokens as possible and consequently share in the success of a technology-based project. blockchain. says Mickael Mosse,

The most popular altcoins

According to  Mickael Mosse, The top 4 altcoins in terms of capitalization, behind Bitcoin, include:

Ethereum (ETH) - network with its own blockchain on which smart contracts and other cryptocurrencies are created,

Ripple (XRP) - a cryptocurrency that offers real-time settlements for international transfers. It is used by, among other banks,

Tether (USDT): stable currency, based on the USD exchange rate. It enables an easy and inexpensive transition from the world of traditional currencies to cryptocurrency exchanges.

Link in the chain (LINK): the first cryptocurrency platform that is fully integrated with the international interbank SWIFT system, is supported, for example, with Intel.

article from

Thursday, 29 October 2020

How to give credit to customers

Giving credit to customers (selling on credit) is a way of increasing sales or maintaining business relationships with a customer; however, it can also mean liquidity problems or the possibility that the customer to whom the credit was granted will not be able to pay it.

Therefore, before making the decision to give credit to clients, it is necessary to establish a clear credit and collection policy, evaluate well the client requesting the credit, clearly establish the credit conditions, among other aspects.

Whether our company is a supplier company or a small business where clients occasionally tell us that they will only be able to pay us within a month, let's see below a process that will help us to give credit to our clients without incurring major risks:

1. Establish credit and collections policy

First, it is necessary to establish a clear credit and collection policy that includes the maximum level of credit that we can allow, and the terms that we will provide for the payment of the credits.

To establish these guidelines we can take into account the credit purchases that we make, ensuring that the debts we have with our suppliers are paid with the money from collections, and thus there is no need to use our own capital.

Although we could also take into account the practices commonly used in our business sector (for example, our clients may be used to working with 30-day credit policies), as well as the impact that credits could have on our cash flow.

Other lines that our credit and collections policy should include are the means of collection to be used, those in charge of the collections, and when it is possible to grant credit (that is, what are the requirements that a client must meet so that it can be sold on credit).

2. Evaluate the client

The next step is to evaluate the client who requests a loan from us. New customers should be well evaluated, but old ones should not be neglected no matter how long we have been working with them for years.

Something to keep in mind is that a client who always buys from us in cash for increasing amounts does not mean that the first loan he requests from us will also be paid with the same solvency. Every client who requests a loan from us for the first time should be well evaluated. The following are some data that we should collect and evaluate before making the decision to grant a business loan leads to a client :

your basic information.

your experience in the market.

its growth potential.

your credit history.

your financial situation.

your ability to pay.

And to obtain this information, some sources that we could turn to are:

Government agencies.

risk centers.

other providers that are not of the competition (when requesting customer references).

the same client (for example, by requesting their financial statements).

3. Determine the credit to be granted

Once we have evaluated a client and determined that he is worthy of credit, we proceed to determine the credit that we are going to grant him, as well as its conditions (which must be accepted by both parties and, if possible, put by written in a contract).

To do this, we must bear in mind that each client is different and that our credit policy should not necessarily grant the same conditions to all our clients.

Some aspects to take into account when determining the credit to be granted to a particular client, as well as its conditions, are their usual sales and purchases, their liquidity, their assets, liabilities and equity, and the credit history they have had with us in case of having previously granted you some credit.

4. Collection of credits

Once the credits have been granted, we proceed to collect them.
First of all, we establish who or who will be in charge of making the collections. If there will be a person responsible for the collections or if the person in charge of making the collections will be the same person who made the sale.
And then, we make the collections effective, taking into account the other guidelines established previously in the credit and collections policy.

MCA leads

5. Evaluate credit and collections policy

Finally, we proceed to evaluate our credit and collections policy to see if we have an efficient system, or if it is necessary to make some modifications.

It is advisable to carry out this evaluation of the credit and collections policy approximately every six months. Some aspects to take into account when evaluating our credit and collections policy are the efficiency of the system, the new financial situation of the company, the new situation of the economy in general, changes in the market, new policies of the competition, etc.

Friday, 2 October 2020

Are there many ways to clean the grates?

It is known that the methods to clean the grates will depend a lot on the material of which they are composed. If we remember what previously, we analyze what types are divided into parts. Now let's take a closer look at the cleaning methods that are most effective.

For example, we have the most popular cleaning method for cast iron grates, as the easiest way to do this is to live in a house or farmhouse that has a fireplace. The grate must be placed over the fire, turning it periodically until the grease and dirt disappear little by little. Finally, wipe off any remaining residue with a slightly damp cloth. But if you live in an apartment, you can turn on the kitchen and put in the grill, but you should make sure to open the windows for ventilation.

In addition, housewives who like to innovate are suggested to use a brush that is not very resistant placed in a drill. After being installed on the tool, turn on, and proceed to brush over the surface of the rack to achieve the desired result.

you can read also this following article best dish drying mat

However, if your family owns a car, you can also use the car engine cleaner, it should be noted that it should be applied on a sponge first and then very carefully wipe it on the grill. Finally, it only remains to rinse with plenty of water and dry it well.

For those grates that are made of enameled steel, the easiest cleaning method is by placing the grill in a dishwasher, if the contamination is small, placing it in high-temperature mode will do. If the dirt is deeply ingrained, you will have to use additional soda tablets.

Soda is good and in the absence of the machine to wash dishes. You can put the rack in a large, durable bag and feel free to pour a packet of baking soda into it, then fill it with warm water. Make sure to tie the bag, leave the rack in there for several hours. Later you just have to rinse and dry well. As long as the dimensions of the lattice allow, you can soak it in the sink, after closing the drain.

If you want to save the situation, you can help yourself with soap. For this, you will need a container in which to fit the rack. It will also be necessary to prepare a strong soap solution, and then leave the rack to soak overnight.

However, if you are not one of the fanatics of prolonged mechanical work, you can prepare one of the pastes that can help you face this task, which you can do in this way:

Use 100g of laundry detergent, mix it with 30ml of ammonia. Apply it to metal and then wash well after 20 minutes.

Prepare a suspension of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, grate well and rinse well.

Mustard powder diluted with 9% vinegar, as well as a small amount of dishwashing liquid. This paste is applied to stainless steel. After 25 minutes, clean with running hot water.


In addition, the most reliable way to clean the grate is to soak it initially and then clean it using household products with a stiff brush and then perform a thorough wash.

Some tips or tricks that will be very useful

Take into consideration this series of tips that will be very useful when cleaning the grill without damaging it:

Never immerse the cast iron grill in liquid or wash it in a dishwasher as the material may crack and lose its strength.

Any metal starts to break if you put a hot rack in cold water or solution. We advise you to cool it down before cleaning.

Do not try to vigorously scrub the surface with metal brushes. Be aware that this will destroy the material.

It is necessary and important to dry the grate every time it is cleaned.

To facilitate further cleaning, the following method can be used. First, you need a transparent stationery glue (50 ml), washing powder or detergent (2 tablespoons), soda (150 g). The ingredients must be well mixed and the final composition will be applied to the grid. After drying, it disappears from sight. All that is needed during the next cleaning is to clean the applied layer, thereby reducing contamination.

The easiest way to keep it clean is to wash the rack after each cook and for steel racks, soak once a week in soapy water.

You can submerge the racks not only in a separate container but also in the bathroom and in the sink.

If you can't achieve the desired result the first time when you apply the product, don't despair, just repeat when the opportunity presents itself.

However, with each of the above rack cleaning methods you can tackle the task, the difference will be reflected in just the time and effort put into it. The choice of household products or chemicals made by well-known brands is always yours. The kitchen is believed to be the face of the housewife. If you are one of the people who does not regret a few minutes for the daily cleaning of the grate, you will not have to be upset by a nasty residue. This not only spoils the appearance, but also the state of mind. Even dishes cooked in pleasant and clean conditions become tastier.

you can watch a a video for know more

Monday, 13 July 2020

3 Lighting Options for Studio Clothing Photographs

Use these three lighting alternatives for fashion photography and create amazing product images!

Quality fashion photography is achieved when light stylizes clothing. Still, figuring out how to do it can be confusing for many low-budget entrepreneurs. In this article, we will help you discover the different lighting options that exist to create perfect product images of fashion garments, and taking into account different budgets.

Lighting with Natural Light

Use the light from a window to create images with natural light. One of the easiest and most efficient montages for photographing clothes is the one created with a large window through which daylight enters. Below you can see this light assembly through this diagram from a bird's eye view.

It is important to have enough space for both the equipment you use and for yourself so that you can work in the most comfortable and safe way. There is nothing that hinders the photography process more than a messy studio. Once you have set up the studio, get into the habit of taking it apart and putting it all away in a specific order so you can quickly reinstall it.

To set up your studio, the first thing will be to find a large window where a lot of light enters, and that has an angle of 90 degrees in relation to the product. If the light enters aggressively then it is better to put a white cloth to help soften it and thus distribute the light evenly.

Second, create a background for your product. It doesn't have to be too wide, but you should leave enough space around your product to fill the frame. If you have nothing prepared to put in the background, you can use one of the following options:

A large white cloth or canvas that can be washed or reused.
Clean white walls.
 large cardboard board or white paper. They are ideal for how cheap they are.
mage Altin it

You may also need support for the background. You can buy support for funds or make them yourself and save some money.
No matter which method you use, always remember to keep the background clean and white so that your product stands out without distractions of any kind and, therefore, your image masking service  look clean and professional. This will help make the editing process more efficient.

To see in more detail how to create your studio on a low budget, read our article " DIY1: How to create a low-cost photo studio ".

One last recommendation, and a very useful one: use a tripod for your camera. Regardless of whether you use a mannequin or model to take photos, using a tripod will help make your images consistent from shot to shot, even when you rotate the product to take different angles. Likewise, tripods help to minimize camera movements or vibrations and to maximize the efficiency of your editing process, saving you time. Make sure you place the camera and tripod exactly in front of your background to use up all the space.

Now, it's your turn to test this montage in natural light. Remember, it does not matter how your study is, but to show the garments in the best possible, simple, and realistic way. If you still need a little more help understanding this setup, take a look below.

Image Altin it

Ready to try other options that require more flexibility in your budget? Keep reading and discover more ways to photograph your fashion clothes to sell.

Single Mono Lighting

If you have the means we recommend that you rent or invest in an easy to use lighting kit. Having artificial lighting equipment will allow you to be more versatile when you have to take your photoshoot and you do not have enough natural light from your window. Below you can see what this assembly consists of with this bird's-eye diagram.

Image Altin it

Place a light source and umbrella at a 45-degree angle to the product so that the lighting on it is smooth and even. Keep your camera directly in front of the object and use a tripod if you prefer. Although it is not mandatory to use a tripod in a strobe or artificial light mount, it may be more efficient and consistent to leave your camera positioned and ready as you place each product to be photographed.

If you have placed the product too close to the bottom, you will surely create shadows. If this happens you can choose to move the product away from the background so that a clean white background is visible behind or change the background yourself in post-production, implementing a pure white background to the product.

The next thing will be to level the light at half its power. In our case, we have used strobe light with power settings from 1 to 5. If we set it to number 3, we will have enough light. We also recommend using the camera in manual mode, since in this way you will have more versatility and control over the results of your images, as you can manage the aperture, ISO, shutter speed, and other important settings to your liking, instead of relying on the automatic exposure functionality of the camera.

Manually exposing your image correctly is usually a matter of using the camera's light meter, which you can find in the camera's viewfinder, and adjusting its settings until it dials zero. It is not that easy when you use a strobe, because there is no lighting that the camera can read until the flash fires. However, a handheld light meter will help you measure light easily and accurately. By synchronizing it with the lighting system and placing it in front of the product, it will give you accurate information on light readings so you know what to expect.
If you don't have a light meter, start by setting the shutter speed to 1/200 or less, with an aperture of f / 11 or greater. From here, you will need to take test images and adjust the camera settings as you see that you achieve optimal exposure and focus.

As you take the photos, remember that the editing process can help you fix any lighting settings that you can't correct later in the session. However, getting a correct exposure during the photoshoot can save you a lot of time and work in the post-production process. Also, don't forget to properly sync the recharge between flashes, as shooting too fast between shots may cause the light source to not fire in time. Patience is the secret to achieving high-quality fashion product images.

Now is the time for you to try! See below for an example of this type of study.

Image Altin it

If you think mono lighting is not enough, try the following setup, which is more advanced and can put some tension on a limited budget.

Dual Mono Lighting

If you rent or invest in a lighting set, you need to make sure you get two light sources to maximize the versatility of your photography options. Having two flashes will also help in case of low light. There are many affordable options in two-light kits, it's just a matter of finding the one that best suits your needs. For now, let's talk about how to use two strobes together. Look at the following diagram to visualize it easier.

Image Altin it

In the case of mounting with a single artificial light source, we recommended placing the light at a 45-degree angle relative to the product. In this case, we will start with this configuration and position the second light source slightly close to the product on the opposite side, also using a 45-degree angle to the product. This new light will be your "fill light". The two lights must be synchronized to fire at the same time.

Taking into account that the first light will be set to half power (for example 3 out of 5), you will place your second light at lower power than the first (for example 2 out of 5). Depending on the style you work in product photography, you may not want to completely fill the darkest part of the product with light, thereby creating shadows. However, some people find the color saturation extra positive by exposing both sides of the product evenly. If this is your case, you must illuminate the product on both sides and keep the lighting uniform.
Again, remember to correctly sync the recharge between flashes since if you shoot too fast between shots, one or both light sources will not fire at the same time.

This type of lighting mount also works using a reflector instead of the second light source. In this case, simply place the reflector panel, which you can create with feather cardboard, at a 90-degree angle to the product. The light from your first light source will bounce, filling the darker side to a lower level. However, if you have the means to use both lights, give it a try! You will see that the result is very professional and worth it.
Try creating this type of montage using the one you will see below as a guide.

Image Altin it

We are sure that if you use these three simple and efficient types of lighting assemblies, you will obtain professional and consistent images. It is important that the camera settings are also correct. Remember that quality images provide the customer with a satisfactory shopping experience, which will also generate greater loyalty to your business, better reviews, and, therefore, more sales.

you may read more related article clipping paths in  photoshop 

Sunday, 28 June 2020

3 questions to ask yourself before buying your travel backpack

The purchase of a backpack is an important moment in the life of the traveler. Here are three questions he should ask himself in order to make the best possible choice.

1- “What bag size do I need? "

If you are traveling for an extended period (more than 2 weeks), we recommend a bag between 50 and 60 liters: spacious but not too much. A smaller bag is lighter and easier to carry. Some backpackers even go so far as to take the smallest possible - around 35 liters - so that it is admissible as hand luggage by plane, train or bus. If you move a lot (example: trips every 3-4 days), this is ideal.

However, if you travel less during your trip, if you stay longer in the same places or if you REALLY need an extra pair of shoes / space to bring souvenirs, a 60 to 75 liter bag can be a good choice.

2- "Does the bag fit me? "

It may seem trivial, but it is really important to try and properly adjust your bag. Would you leave with a pair of shoes that is too small or not comfortable? Well, it's the same thing for a backpack ... try several! The store advisers will make sure you leave with a bag that won't destroy your back after five minutes of walking. travel bag price in bd

In recent years, there have also been models designed specifically for women: narrower straps, thinner back shape and belt better adjusted to the female face.

Women's backpack - Gregory

Women's backpack - Gregory

3- "Does it have characteristics that will make my life easier while traveling? "

Here are two characteristics of a good travel bag:

- It has a rain cover : Perfect for protecting your equipment from water (and yes!) But also from dust and damage during travel.

- It has access on the sides and at the bottom : Emptying your entire bag every time you want to go get a pair of stockings can become very painful. Zippers in several places on the backpack will allow you to access your belongings more quickly.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Guide to buying a coffee maker, types and tips

Choosing a good coffee maker is not a minor issue for the home. The question already takes on tints of the status issue if you are one of those people who needs morning coffee like breathing. And since you don't mess with your needs, we are going to help you discover which are the best coffee machines on the market.

Before going into depth about brands and models, you have to be clear about the type of coffee maker you want. If we go to the models we can find in the market manual coffee machines, the espresso machine, capsule machine, and within them the Nesspreso or the dolce gusto. If you are still looking for the comfort of the drip or you go to the traditional Italian coffee maker that we have all used on occasion.

Index of contents:

1 What are the differences between some models and others?

2 Espresso machines

3 capsule coffee machines

3.1 Nespresso

3.1.1 The best Nespresso

3.2 Senseo

3.2.1 The best Senseo coffee machines

3.3 Tassimo

3.3.1 The best Tassimo coffee machines

3.4 Illy Iperespresso

3.4.1 The best Illydacaffé coffee machines

4 drip coffee makers

4.1 The best drip coffee machines

5 Italian coffee machine

5.1 The best Italian coffee makers

6 Piston or French coffee machines

6.1 The best piston coffee machines

7 Tips and tricks to prepare the best coffee
Best coffee maker under 100

What differences are there between some models and others?

In this list we are going to talk about the different types of coffee machines that we can find for sale. You will also have a list with those that stand out among all for their good characteristics and that deserve to be taken into account when making any purchase.

Espresso coffee machines

For lovers of authentic coffee, the one with intense flavor that awakens all your senses. It offers you the water at the ideal temperature and gives you the option of heating the milk or water with it with the vaporizer. They are the most reminiscent of those in bars and offer us that coffee that we like so much.

They are usually the largest and are a little more uncomfortable for cleaning every day.

capsule coffee machines

They are a type of espresso coffee machine that in recent years, has hit the coffee machine market with great results. Its advantage, they are fast, easy to clean, and aesthetically very attractive. They are not in the kitchen and storage that take up a lot and that on top of that require a lot of time for their maintenance.

They allow the preparation of a coffee and depending on the model you choose also another type of drink.

Main drawback: The price of the capsules makes the product very expensive. If we take into account the average consumption of two coffees a day, the cost in capsules can be around 270 euros a year.
Within single-dose coffee machines, different systems must be distinguished:


I think we all started to hear these coffee machines thanks to this Nespresso brand, owned by Nestlé, the food giant. They were the first to take the initiative and other brands and systems have joined them. Also from Nestlé but to satisfy other needs, the Dolce Gusto emerged. In addition to being able to make coffees, they prepare chocolates also supplied in capsules. Perhaps we have to say that it is Nestlé's black sheep since its products are of much lower quality. If we only want it for coffee, it offers far fewer options in terms of varieties than Nespresso.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

7 practical reasons to learn programming in C #

Choosing which programming language to learn can be difficult. Different languages ​​are good for different things and having a set goal can make it easier. What if you want to learn to program, but are not sure which career path to follow?

There are several languages ​​that are large enough to learn regardless of what you want to do in the future. You will likely learn more than one in your programming career, but getting started with C # is a good idea. Why should you choose C # over other languages?

Where does C # come from?

C # - Microsoft's object-oriented programming language
C # is a medium to high-level programming language developed by Microsoft, which appeared in 2000. Microsoft invested heavily in its development in the following years. Built on the basis of the C and C ++ languages, but designed to be easier to use, it has a large set of libraries for performing various tasks.

Microsoft designed it as the official language of its .NET framework. Everything written in the .NET framework runs on Windows, which makes C # one of the official languages ​​of Windows development. With the introduction of .NET Core, C # can now be used to build apps on macOS, Linux, and even Raspberry Pi.

1. C # is easy to learn

Despite having a name similar to notoriously difficult to learn languages ​​like C and C ++, C # is much more friendly to beginners. C # programming is object-oriented which some people believe is easier for beginners to understand.

Although they are readable enough to be clear to beginners, the layout and functionality of C # make it a perfect language for gaining a broader understanding of programming as a whole. Our object-oriented programming guide will help explain this programming concept.

C # is also a safe language to learn. Low-level languages ​​like C and C ++ will execute almost all instructions as long as it compiles, even if those instructions cause serious damage to the operating system. C # checks the code at compile-time and generates errors and warnings to prevent this from happening.

C # also manages memory automatically, rather than having to allocate and then clear memory for data. Not having to worry about low-level computing makes learning less complicated for beginner programmers.

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2. C # has a large online community

Learning C # has never been easier. In addition to Microsoft's extensive and well-documented documentation, there is a large community of online teachers. YouTube videos and blogs cover every aspect of C # programming from beginner to expert.

Microsoft Virtual Academy also provides official tutorials for C # language and development for Windows and mobile devices. Stack Overflow - probably the most important website for programmers - was written in C #, so it's not surprising that it has a huge community on the site.

3. It is supported by Microsoft

At the time of writing, C # is the fourth most popular language according to the PYPL ( PopularitY of Programming Language Index ). It was the sixth most requested language of 2018 on and, with the support of Microsoft, it is unlikely to stop being requested soon.

The language has been in active development for nearly 20 years, and new features are added to it at all times. C # can use the powerful LINQ library, designed for high-level control of data structures and objects in code. In short, the language is meant to help with the things programmers do every day.
Visual Studio, Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE), was written in C #. While it is possible to program the use of any language in Visual Studio, the optimal use is C # development.

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4. Development of the unity game

Unity is among the most popular Game Dev engines

For many, the real attraction of C # is its place as the language of the Unity game engine. Unity's popularity continues to rise and continues to beat steadily with the Unreal Engine industry standard. It's easy to see why, since it's free for small developers.
Using C # as a language is also a big attraction, compared to the faster, but much more difficult to learn, C ++ used by Unreal.

Unity is also easy to learn, with a large online community of YouTube tutorials, forum posts, and blogs. Many people learn C # through Unity while looking for the first game. The project-based nature of the game's development, along with its goal-driven nature, makes it the perfect way to get practical experience with the C # language for beginners.

5. Create cross-platform software

Statistics: global market share held by desktop operating systems, from January 2013 to January 2019 | Statesman

Image Credit: Statesman

Windows still dominate the market share for operating systems. C # has been in use for nearly 20 years to build Windows applications on the .NET framework. Microsoft's language and development tools such as Visual Studio are, perhaps not surprisingly, the best way to design applications for Windows.

Microsoft recently introduced .NET Core as an open-source simplified version of the .NET framework. Free and easy to install, it allows cross-platform development. This means that any developer can create consoles and web applications on any operating system.

6. ASP.NET and core of ASP.NET

There are many guides available for getting started with ASP.NET

ASP.NET is the second-largest back-end framework on the Internet, beaten only by PHP. ASP.NET is the Microsoft application service for dynamic Web pages and C # is the main language used to program with the ASP.NET framework.

As a C # programmer, you should work with the ASP.NET framework to create Web APIs (Application Program Interfaces) to serve data to users of your website dynamically.

The release of .NET Core has also been extended to ASP.NET. The Core version of ASP.NET allows even greater flexibility for web development, as it will be implemented on any platform. Instead of creating the back end on Windows for a Windows server, you can now develop ASP.NET Core MVC (Model View Controller) websites on macOS or Linux, for any server.

7. Build apps for Android and iOS

Xamarin enables cross-platform mobile development

Android is usually developed in Java. For iOS development, you should use Swift or Objective C. This means that if you wanted to create an app for both types of phones, you would have to learn two separate languages. Xamarin is designed to counter this.

The framework allows you to write in C # and compile both iOS and Android. This means that you can use the same code for both platforms and update both apps from a single code base. In addition to the code below for your app in a single language, Xamarin allows GUI design on each platform.
This means that once your app is up and running, you can design a suitable user interface for users of Android and iOS phones.

Is C # the programming language for you?

C # is a powerful and extensible programming language that is required. Whether you take an online course in the language or follow a beginner's guide to the Unity game engine, you will learn the essential skills that have many different uses.

While this article discusses the benefits of learning C #, there are other equally viable options. JavaScript is undoubtedly the king of the Internet front end and, with its spread in machine learning, Python could be the language of the future.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

How to choose the price of my silver bracelets and pendants?

Once you have decided how you want to manage your products, it will be time to decide what price to put on them. It can be somewhat complicated, since the price must reflect the quality of your products and bring benefits, in addition to attracting buyers who have many other options just a click away. As we mentioned before, jewelry has very interesting profit margins as well as stable ones.

Investigating the prices of the competition can be a good way to decide how to value your own products: this way, you will have a general idea of the price to offer to your niche. Evaluate your competition, calculate your profit margins and decide what is the best strategy for your store.
For example, a quick search for engraved pendants on Etsy will result in products priced from under € 20 to over € 100! To give a practical example, this pendant costs € 112.14.

Printful offers you a comparable product for much less (€ 21.95), as well as offering free shipping. If you offered Printful's engraved pendant at the Macy's price, your pendant would give you a profit of € 90.19, with a margin of 80%. Some eCommerce platforms, like Shopify, Woocommerce, and Etsy, offer a personalization tool that allows your customers to add their own designs to your products in your online store. Giving your clients this possibility will make your profit margins even better.

Where to sell jewelry online

Once you have decided your price, it will be time to start looking for the ideal place to sell your jewelry products. A good option is to create your own online store (or add a new category to an existing store, about which we will explain later). Thus, you can personalize your online jewelry store with your own style and offer a unique shopping experience to your customers.

read also Computer Accessories Price In Bangladesh

Another good option is to use a marketplace known for the amount of jewelry in its catalog. And, if you already have a store, multi-channel selling may be your next step in reaching an even larger audience. Let's briefly review the marketplaces that you should at least consider:


Note: The term "Etsy" is a registered trademark of Etsy, Inc. The Printful application uses the Etsy API but is not certified or endorsed by Etsy, Inc. Personalized jewelry is one of the best selling categories on Etsy, so this is the ideal place to sell your jewelry new. With almost 39.5 million buyers in 2018 (ENG), it is a good way to make yourself known.

But be careful, because being on Etsy alone is not a guarantee of success. Once you have your products ready, you will have to optimize them using the necessary keywords, add attractive photos of your bracelets and pendants and be aware of which strategies work and which do not. It may be a good idea to spend some time researching how to sell your products on Etsy.

Keywords are like Instagram hashtags. Necessary for users who do not follow you to find your products. Don't underestimate them!


eBay is the marketplace par excellence since it was one of the first to appear. In addition, it has 167 million visitors monthly! It is the ideal place to sell practically anything.

Keep in mind that on eBay you can also find yourself with a lot of competition, so it is important to know some tricks to make sure that your bracelets and pendants appear well positioned on the page. For this, a good idea is to familiarize yourself with eBay's algorithms and learn how to optimize your rankings.


Amazon is an eCommerce giant that does not stop growing. In 2018 alone, the company's net profit was $ 232.89 billion (ENG). In addition, Amazon offers global marketplaces in which to take your engraved jewelry to the whole world.

Just remember that Amazon has a series of rules that apply to all its sellers, so if you go for this marketplace, take time to learn how the platform works and to learn how to sell your jewelry products. Luckily, there are many tricks to start selling on Amazon .

Saturday, 28 March 2020

How much is a vacation in Cuba? A travel guide for fans.

300 days of sunshine a year, old cities built in colonial style, colorful houses, vintage cars, cigars, rum, Havana and beaches with paradise landscapes - these are the ingredients that make Cuba a favorite destination for tourists from around the world. How much is a vacation in Cuba? Despite expectations, this is not a cheap destination, but you can travel "smart" and you can fit in a decent budget if you sell the offers of the airlines and find a good price for accommodation.

When to go to Cuba

Before you plan your vacation in Cuba, you must know that if you really want to go to the beach, you may have surprises between December and February, when the lowest temperatures are between 15-20 degrees. Between September and November, the island is often the target of hurricanes and storms. October is the rainiest month of the year, and July is the warmest. But in principle, Cuba is a year-round holiday destination, with a subtropical climate and an average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.

Currency in Cuba

You should also know that in Cuba there are two currencies, the national peso (CUP), which the locals use, and the convertible peso (CUC) for tourists. The difference between the two currencies is very large, so be careful not to confuse them - the CUC is stronger than the CUP. Of course, tourists can also use the national peso, for tickets on the market, fruits, and vegetables on the market, street snacks or fresh foods, but in most cases, you, as a tourist, will rely on the convertible peso.

1 CUC = 0.87 EURO / 1 US $
1 CUP = 0.33 EURO / 0.38 US $

How much is a vacation in Cuba

First concern - the plane ticket. A plane ticket Bucharest - Havana normally departs from 650 euros, without taxes and baggage. However, by carefully watching the offers of the airlines, it can certainly drop 100 euros, to a ticket taken in time. And with a little luck. There are no direct flights, but from Bucharest to Havana there is only one stop. However, a two-stop flight may be cheaper.

How much is accommodation in Cuba

As anywhere in this world, accommodation in Cuba also varies by area, conditions, services. For a smaller budget, you can confidently call the "private house", where you will have an authentic Cuban experience. It has decent conditions, an ok price and is the best way to get to know the locals better. The owners of these private houses will also prepare your three meals if you want to eat there. At least once a day, it's worth it. In a "private home", a double room costs about $ 20-30 per night. At a mid-level hotel, one night's accommodation can cost between $ 25 and $ 180. taxi islington
However, the most beautiful experience in Cuba is to stay at least a few days at a five-star luxury resort on the beach. You will certainly feel that in paradise, but also the prices are higher. For example, at Royalton Hicacos (for adults only) in the famous Varadero resort, one night's accommodation in a double room costs $ 376, with all-inclusive.

How much is transportation in Cuba

When you spend on paper the cost of a vacation in Cuba, you must also make a budget for transportation. It is a pity to stay in one place, so you will probably have to invest significant amounts in the means of travel. The good news is that it is quite cheap to travel to Cuba.

Here's an indication of how much transportation costs in Cuba:
A taxi ride into the city - between $ 2.50 - $ 7. From the airport to Havana a taxi ride costs around $ 25. Getting an hour by taxi to the city costs around $ 30.

There is also the possibility of taking a shared taxi. Collections shared taxis cost $ 0.50 per race. In Havana, there are vintage cars that travel around the city on certain pre-established routes and can take travelers going in that direction. You just have to signal to them that you want to go. In addition, you should know their route very well.

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You can take common taxis and between cities and the price can be the same as for a bus trip. From Trinidad to Havana the cost is $ 25.

A bus ride into the city costs just 4 cents.
An hour on the tour bus costs $ 4-5.
Here are some indicative prices on certain routes:
Havana - Vinales: $ 12
Vinales - Cienfuegos: $ 35
Cienfuegos - Trinidad: $ 6
Trinidad - Camaguey: $ 15
You can also rent a scooter for $ 25 a day.
For a rented car, you can pay about $ 85 per day.
How much is food and drink in Cuba

It is said that the culinary specialties are not exactly the strong point of the Cubans, but you can certainly find something to your liking. The locals do not eat much at the restaurant, because the prices are a bit high for the salaries in Cuba. Of course, at a luxury resort, you don't have to worry about food - you'll find everything. Here are some guide prices to set the budget for food if you want to see how much a vacation in Cuba costs:

Breakfast in a private house: $ 3-7
Lunch or dinner on street food - $ 2
Lunch or dinner in a mid-level restaurant - $ 8-20
Alcoholic beverages - $ 2-5
Coffee: $ 0.25 - $ 3

One bottle of water at 1.5 liters $ 1-2

Snacks on the street: $ 0.50-2

How much is fun in Cuba
You will not get bored in Cuba, because you have a lot of time variations. Some for little money, others for a lot of money.
Admission to the museum can be free but can cost $ 10.

A Havana Tour in a Vintage Car - $ 30.
Riding in Viñales: $ 5 per hour
A show at Cabaret Tropicana: $ 85+
Salsa or rum courses - $ 15 per hour

internet access

It's not that simple to get online in Cuba. If you can not live offline only, then you must buy a special card from ETECSA. With it, you will have internet access on your own phone, for a fee of $ 2-6 per hour. With the card, you can connect anywhere with a wifi.

Sunday, 15 March 2020


We go to the suburbs, and then back. Will there be any discounts?

The total fare will depend on how quickly you need to return. If the waiting time is less than 1 hour, then we will make a 50% discount on the return trip and provide 1 hour of free waiting, provided that the length of the journey in one direction will be at least 50 km. If you are going to relax at the cottage all weekend, you can order a taxi in advance at the right time: the price of the trip will be exactly the same as the one you paid for the trip to the cottage.

• We are going to rest in a company of 5 people. Which car to order?

We recommend placing an order for a minivan - a comfortable taxi, which easily accommodates 5-8 passengers.

• I ordered a minivan to the country, but the car came in 6 seats and a small trunk, and there are seven of us! Why was the wrong car served?

Most likely, you did not inform the dispatcher about the number of passengers. In such situations, the order is placed on a car with a minimum number of seats, so always inform the operator about the details of the trip. Luton Airport Taxi Service
• He wanted to go from Kolomna to Tula, but the operator refused me. As far as I know, Equator is a long-distance taxi, so why didn’t they take my order?

Taxi "Equator" travels around Moscow and Moscow region. We do not take travel orders if the settlements are at a very great distance from the capital.

• We are going to relax in a large company (we are 9 people), we would like to order a minivan, but the operator said that we need a minibus, which costs more. There are minivans for 11 passengers, why can't we order one?

Such minivans are included in the “Buses” category, and for their management the driver must have a category D certificate. Such cars are almost never used on our roads, therefore it is more advisable to order a comfortable minibus from our fleet.