Thursday 6 February 2020


Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents. That makes it a very hot topic of conversation because distracted driving leads to maneuvers to avoid crashes that result in an accident anyway. This causes innocent people to get injured or even die. If you have been injured in a distracted driving accident that is the fault of another person, you can be held liable for the financial damages that have been done to you. With the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer from St. Paul, you could hold them responsible for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and other related expenses.



At Swor & Gatto, we work hard to hold distracted drivers responsible for the damages and losses arising from accidents they caused. First, we determined the cause of the accident and why they were distracted; We use witness statements, review the police report and evaluate other evidence in order to create a solid case for you. As it stands, some of the most common reasons for distractions are eating, drinking, putting on makeup, watching TV, adjusting radio or weather controls, text messages, talking on the phone and even playing video games. That prevents reading traffic signs, controlling mirrors, staying in tune with traffic flow and simply paying attention to the road. Because of this, approximately 25% of traffic accidents are due to distractions at the wheel, but it is estimated that this number is close to 50%. minicab brixton


Distracted driving accidents happen so easily because the distracted driver's brain is busy doing something other than driving. This means that when an accident scenario occurs, the brain can be delayed in its reaction, causing an accident that was avoidable. Sometimes an accident can be prevented by simply reacting more quickly. Unfortunately, these accidents occur and people in Twin Cities need a personal injury lawyer St. Paul and Minneapolis who can guarantee compensation for them through negotiations or trial. Since victims' insurance companies tend not to want to pay for medical care related to an accident due to the negligence of another person, it is very important to pursue the responsible party so that the financial aspects can be covered. By not having to worry about financial elements, the focus can be placed on physical recovery.


Operating the radio, the GPS system, trying to take care of children, sending text messages, putting on makeup and reading behind the wheel of a vehicle are examples of distracted driving. When doing any of these things causes a car accident, it is classified as a distracted driving accident. If you or a loved one has been injured in a distracted driving accident, you may be able to be accountable to the party responsible for the damage you have been done. To learn how Swor & Gatto can help you, call 651-454-3600 or toll-free at 651-454-3600 for a free telephone consultation. More article

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